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Just what everyone wanted...

Another millennial with internet access and an opinion.

  • Writer's picturealex


Updated: Oct 4, 2018

It's officially October, and like every other millennial, I am losing my absolute mind with how excited I am for cooler weather. To avoid the seasonal slump that I inevitably reach around November, a time when I don't want to go outside in the bitter cold anymore.. I have curated a fall bucket list that will hopefully keep me doing fun things all winter!

Feel free to screenshot, print this off or make your own bucket list for this festive fall season!


- Step on one (1) crunchy leaf

- Have some type of hot drink (lemon and honey balm tea with lemon in it, a personal favourite)

- PAINT a pumpkin. Let's be honest, the inside of a pumpkin is nasty. I don't want to touch it, and I know you don't either.

- Have a horror movie marathon! Whether it's funny horror movies, like the Scary Movie series, or horrifying ones like The Conjuring series.

- Buy a scarf, preferably orange or mustard yellow. It's cozy, wear it like a blanket too.

- Go to a pumpkin patch! This is a first for me, I have never been to a pumpkin patch before which in my opinion is quite tragic.

- Have a bonfire. I'm a country girl so I can have a fire whenever I want.. This may be harder if you live in the city. In the case that you cannot have a fire, crank on the heat and play the TV channel that has a fire on it.

- Go to a Halloween Haunt type of event. I'm near Canada's Wonderland that has this scary event where people dress up in costume and scare the absolute wits out whoever walks near them.

- Go apple picking. My boyfriends mother every year, without fail, asks the whole family to go apple picking for her birthday. At this point it has been a yearly tradition I believe for around 10 years. I'm quite a fan of the apple and peanut butter combo.. so I would like to capitalize on the event this year.

- Celebrate my birthday! I'm 2 days before Halloween, and yes, I want you to celebrate it too. Yes you, 21 is a big birthday and I appreciate the love, thank you.

I think that's all from me! Let me know what you're looking forward to most this fine fall season!



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